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Trauma One 1.0

Trauma One 1.0

Trauma One Publisher's Description

Trauma surgeons, why write out a patient file when you can just tap through one? Handheld computers have revolutionized the bedside delivery of health care. They can be tiny repositories of all the latest information doctors need to diagnose, prescribe, and often even treat their patients.

The goal for TraumaOne is to provide busy surgeons with faster more accurate method for entering patient records. The result is an electronic file containing patient information, what was done, where it was done, and the diagnoses for which it was done.

The system offers simple and fast exporting directly to the Palm Memo Pad program for easy printing at the hospital or your billing staff can use the HanDBase desktop software that is included to export to Excel, Word, Access and more.

Joseph Tepas, MD, intuitively designed the TraumaOne system so that even a beginning Palm user would be proficient at adding new records! One of the unique features to the program are the pre-populated popup menus and linked databases which minimizes the need for graffiti, resulting in a more accurate and quicker means for entering patient records.

This system was designed by trauma surgeons consisting of a core database that identifies a patient by record number (MRN), initials, date, and time of entry. From this core there are 14 linked databases tailored to the needs of trauma surgeons for services rendered, diagnoses, and, when performed, laceration repairs.

Your software includes a copy of the HanDBase desktop, which is the database engine running TraumaOne. The desktop program offers an easy and efficient means to manage your patient data, such as exporting, printing, archiving, data entry, and more.

While this program is designed for trauma care encounters, it can be modified for any operative, office or bedside encounter. The HanDBase desktop makes amending the databases, like the CPT, Diagnosis and others a snap!

TraumaOne Handheld Features:

  • Filter, sort, and search features makes managing your data fast and efficient
  • Print, beam, copy, export, delete, and copy template directly from your Palm.
  • Note fields can be expanded to a full screen view, resulting in easier data that is easier to view and enter.
  • Export your records directly to your Palm Memo Pad
  • Resizable column drag-and-drop feature makes optimizing the list view screen a snap.

    HanDBase Desktop for Windows Key Features:

    • Ability to add, edit field & records
    • Exporting directly to Excel (MS-Excel 97, 2000, 2002(XP)), CSV, Word, HTML, or XML formats
    • Plug-In-Architecture for 3rd party add-ons
    • Multiple database merging
    • Tabular and detailed printing options

    TraumaOne Databases:

    1. TraumaOne
    2. Billing
    3. Diagnosis
    4. Woundcare
    5. Traumacode
    6. E&M Codes
    7. Venue
    8. Service Codes
    9. Aatomic
    10. DXBones
    11. DXSide
    12. DXReg
    13. DXDer
    14. DAnat

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